Cold & Flu Remedy – Raw Juice

I am an avid juicer and love the benefits I get from regular juicing.  I think that including a variety of liquid foods aka “raw juice” in your daily diet will provide the body with essential nutrients to naturally cleanse and rejuvenate the organs.  Raw juice is wonderful because it supports cleansing of our elimination organs: our liver, kidney, small intestine, large intestine, lymph, lungs and skin. 
Why Raw Juice is Good for You–  Pure, fresh and raw juice is valuable because it is easy on digestion- only requires a few enzymes to digest and gives our overworked digestive system a short break.  Juice provides high amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, and B vitamins- these are all minerals and vitamins that we lack due to our SAD diets aka “Standard American Diet”.  Juice gives the liver, pancreas, and intestines the opportunity to fill up their “tank” with the nutrients needed for proper digestion, assimilation, and blood sugar regulation.  Our blood delivers the juices’ alkaline-rich, phytonutrients to the body systems that are acidic, suffering from oxidative stress and need pH balance.  
Why this Juice– The combo of carrot, ginger, turmeric and lemon is perfect to bust any cold or flu. 
Carrot– this juice is heavy on carrots because carrots are abundant in alkaline minerals and in vitamins B, C, D, E, G, and K.  Carrot juice doesn’t get enough credit.  It’s a powerful cleansing vegetable and is great for building the blood.  It helps in healing chronic infections such as tonsillitis, colitis and appendicitis.  It also helps promote and aid digestion.  
Ginger– this root is well known for clearing up pesky sinuses that might flare up from time to time.  Ginger is also powerful in fighting throat and nose congestion.  It has superb anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-histamine properties- making it the perfect ingredient in a cold and flu buster juice. 
Turmeric- this little guy is actually part of the ginger family.  It is an orange colored root/spice imported from India.  When raw, it kind of tastes like a carrot.  It is also very well known for its incredible anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and infection clearing properties- all the reasons why turmeric belongs in a cold/flu buster juice. 

Lemon- I simple can’t get enough of these golden fruit. They are a staple in my kitchen. Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin B6, iron, potassium, and vitamin C. They contain dietary fiber and also calcium, copper, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. Lemons are antibacterial agents and highly effective for reducing fever and curing the common cold. 


  • 1 whole lemon
  • 1 1/2 thumb sized chunk of ginger
  • 3 fresh turmeric roots
  • 4-6 large carrots 

Juice the ingredients and enjoy quickly.  This juice isn’t for the weak– it is spicy and hearty! Drink up for better health!

Have you tried juicing when you have a cold or the flu?



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