What I Ate Wednesday | Vacation Edition
Today, I’m starting a new series of posts called What I Ate Wednesday, to show you a glimpse into what I usually eat in one day. I love reading these kinds of posts from other health and nutrition bloggers. It’s fun to take a sneak peek into what others eat, sounds weird but its true. So I thought since I enjoy reading these What I Ate type of posts, maybe you will too.
I think we are curious to see what others eat because we all have an individualistic, specific way of eating. I call it an eating style. It is ingrained in us from our parents, childhood, relationships and current diet culture!
So before I jump into what I ate, I wanted to talk more about my current eating style.
My Eating Style
Have you asked yourself what your unique eating style is? Do you subscribe to a specific diet? Like… are you hardcore really into Keto right now? Or doing Whole30?
My eating style is pretty basic. I call it intuitive eating. I eat when I’m hungry and I stop when I’m 80% full. The focus is on listening to my body and I don’t worry about calories. I incorporate lots and lots of colorful vegetables, I avoid processed foods as much as possible and only use organically sourced olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil and ghee in my cooking.
So, I don’t count calories but when I’m off of my game, I will keep a food journal and track my meals just like I tell my client to do so. What you track, you improve. This gives me a good idea of roughly how much I eat, what I eat and what nutrients I’m missing. Am I getting enough fiber? Forgetting about calcium?
Why I Don’t Label My Diet
My diet is primarily plant-based. However, I am not a Vegan. Nor am I specifically following Keto and I’m not doing Paleo. That’s not to say there is ANYTHING wrong with these diets if they work for your body type and lifestyle. But for my family and I, I don’t like restricting our diet or excluding so many food groups.
Here again is where intuitive eating comes in for me. I believe that complex carbohydrates are important, I believe that things like organic yogurt have a place in our diet, and I hope you don’t cringe but I think that humanely raised, grass-fed animal protein has a place in my family’s diet in moderation because I make beef stew and bone broth for the boys.
However, the things that I strongly stand for are what and where my food is coming from. I choose to eat as whole and unprocessed as possible.
I buy Non-GMO, organic, grass-fed, wild caught, locally sourced, certain dairy-free items, gluten-free, full fat, pasture raised, preservative free… well, you get the picture. And, nothing makes me happier than buying my food fresh from our local farmers market, but with two little kiddos, it’s not always easy or a priority.
On my blog, you will always find vegan recipes, gluten-free recipes, dairy free recipes, and Keto friendly recipes because I love vegetables, I love fresh and healthy recipes.
Okay, now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk about what I ate.
What I Ate, Vacation Edition
I’ve titled today’s inaugural What I Ate Wednesday Post the Vacation Edition because I documented what I ate for a few days on vacation in Maui back in August. It’s always harder to stay on track while on vacation and keeping healthy can be tricky. Hence, why I’ve also written tips on how to stay healthy on vacation here, AND a healthy travel diary you can check out here.
Let’s get started, shall we?
Breakfast 9 AM
Rise and shine! I always drink one cup of water upon rising even on vacay. I keep a tall glass of water on my nightstand and it makes it easy to drink. At home, I add lemon or cayenne when I can or if I really have time I make my special Miss Nutritionista Detox Cocktail (grab the recipe from my detox ebook).
Today we are going to spend the whole day at the beach. We decided to have breakfast at a local spot in Lahaina, Maui. I ordered their famous avocado toast plate. It had fresh berries, fresh avocado slices, lots of microgreens, a balsamic reduction drizzle on gluten-free bread. I paired that with a mimosa! Heck yes, I did, it’s vacation time. My husband had a delicious southwestern egg scrabble dish and since I took a few bites, I’ve included that too in this post. We love to split dishes!
Lunch 1:00 PM
Our lunch options today were going to be whatever we could grab and take with us on the beach. Hello, taco truck. I had two fish tacos with lots of raw cabbage slaw.
- fresh apples (sliced), bananas, and nectarines, cucumber sticks
- protein bars for us, fiber granola bars for the kiddos
- Nuts Mix baggies
- yogurt cups (kept in our ice-chest)
With two small children, we always pack snacks since its hard to predicate where you will be or who will get hungry when we are out for the day.
Dinner 5:30 PM
We chose to have an early dinner today. Normally, if we were back at the condo we would do dinner at 6:00 pm like grill fish or make burgers for the kids. But since today was a full beach day we had dinner at a restaurant. I ordered a delicious crusted mahi-mahi over a bed of brown rice and side of kale salad. Hubby and I also shared a fresh ahi tuna plate. It was the freshest ahi tuna I’ve had in a long time.
Maui has the best food, omg! Well, there you go! This was my official what I Ate Wednesday post!
I hope this post has been helpful for you! Again, this was in Maui, so this is just an example of the kind of foods I would eat on vacation. On vacation, I always try to eat healthy, clean meals but also like to splurge with some dessert, wine or a skinny cocktail. Comment and let me know what your eating style is. I’d love to know!

I love these posts, too. I did a series about everything we ate while on a two-week vacation earlier this summer. Since my blog is all about food, everyone already knows a lot of what I eat! But it was so fun to track all the different foods when on vacation and how they compared to what we normally eat.
way to go! I’m just like you, I hate labels, I eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m 80% full as a general rule of thumbs!
I would love to share all those delicious meals. Your dinner is to die for.
You ate lots of lovely food on Wednesday… not sure if I looked at one day’s worth of food, mine would look that healthy!!
I think it’s so neat that you don’t label your diet. It’s such a trend to do that these days but refreshing that you don’t. Everything looked just wonderful on vacation!
I love this post! It’s so helpful to see what other people are eating. I really respect that you’re not labeling your diet. So often, we can become consumed with restrictions and not focus as much on what we can enjoy.
The food looks delicious! Love the fact that you listen to your body and practice intuitive eating. I can definitely agree with that and we do the same in our household.
I love reading these types of posts as well. It’s so interesting to me to see what others eating styles are. I myself focus on macros. I’ve done Whole 30 and swore I would never do it again
I love these posts! The fact you’re not using your vacation as an excuse to eat junk is so applaudable – the cabbage slaw looks delicious
Thanks, girl. I try to keep most of my healthy eating habits even on vacation. But I do sneak in some yummy treats on occasion.
You eat so much better than me when you’re on vacation. Having two kids who are fussy eaters means we usually end up somewhere with lots of chips 🙁
Louise x
Thank you. It really is hard to eat healthy with little kiddos with you. I try my best and sometimes end up eating ice cream lol 🙂