Gluten Free Halloween Candy List
Hey all!! Halloween is right around the corner and if you have little ones, you know how excited they get for trick-or-treating.
I remember how much fun my sister and I would have knocking on doors and asking for candy. I was the shy one. But, it was always a fun competition to see who got the best candy and who’s pumpkin was filled to the brim with sugary, sweet goodness. We used to run home, dump our new stash of candy on the carpet and start digging in. After a few minutes, my sister and I would be running around on a sugar-high. Then, we would be holding our stomach, sick from the sugar crash. Safe to say, mom wasn’t too pleased.
Halloween is a fun time for both children and parents alike. But, for children with dietary restrictions, it can be quite the bummer. If you have a child with gluten sensitivity or you, yourself have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease then check out this Gluten-Free Halloween Candy list by the Celiac Disease Foundation.
This gluten free Halloween candy list is from their 2014 addition. It is a good idea to review this list and have it handy when shopping for Halloween candy. Also, I recommend printing out the candy list so you know which candy to choose at parties and other festivities.
Do you have a favorite childhood Halloween memory? Does it involve candy?