How to Pick the Best Probiotic for Your Body!

What Are Probiotics? 

Let’s chat about probiotics, what they are good for and how to pick the best probiotic for your body!

Probiotics are live microorganisms made from good bacteria. We often think of bacteria as harmful; however, good bacteria are a life-saving element in human bodies. They assist in keeping your gut, digestive system, and immune system healthy and working optimally. 

There are too many probiotic strains to name; each has a specific function to perform. For example, let us say that if you have a cavity, choose the strain that fights against cavity-causing organisms in our mouths. Probiotics are consumed orally in supplements or by eating fermented foods. 

Why Are Probiotics Important?

Probiotics do wonders for our bodies, from fighting harmful bacteria to getting inside our body to ease the digestive process. 

Signs That You Need a Probiotic

  • Frequent digestion issues like food intolerance, gas, constipation, diarrhea
  • Experience brain fog and fatigue
  • Slow metabolism 
  • Frequent Urinary infections
  • Skin problems such as irritation, eczema, and rashes
  • Increased sugar cravings

What Does It Do For Our Body?

Probiotics balance the amounts of good bacteria in your body. For example, when taking an antibiotic, all bacteria in your gut are targeted by the antibiotic: even the good bacteria. Probiotics can help rebalance the terrain with the good guys-the good bacteria. 

8 Health Benefits Of Probiotics

  1. Lowering LDL cholesterol 
  2. Aids in preventing irritable bowel syndrome and Inflammatory bowel disease 
  3. Treating diarrhea 
  4. Can help with Ulcerative colitis
  5. Improved mental health 
  6. Prevent vaginal infections
  7. Heal eczema in children
  8. Better gut health and balanced gut microbiota

Probiotic-Rich Food

Best Probiotic

I will always recommend getting your vitamins, minerals, and nutrition from a food source first and then adding a supplement for better assurance. For example, it’s easy to get a healthy dose of probiotics from delicious foods. Likewise, you can quickly get a good amount of beneficial, gut-friendly bacteria from fermented foods.

  1. Organic Yogurt
  2. Organic Kefir
  3. Kombucha
  4. Black tea
  5. Sauerkraut
  6. Kimchi 
  7. Miso
  8. Tempeh

These foods provide a nourishing environment in your gut where the good bacteria can thrive. As a result, they can help improve your immunity, fight inflammation and reduce cholesterol. 

How To Pick The Best Probiotic? 

Start by consulting your nutritionist or doctor to recommend the type of probiotics that you need. However, if you’re buying on your own, it’s easy to get confused. Sadly, as with most supplements and vitamins, not all probiotics are top quality. There are so many choices on the market that it’s tough to know the best probiotic, find high-quality ones, and get the best bang for your buck!

Here’s what to look for! 

  • Ensure survivability thru stomach and upper digestive system
  • Count CFUs (colony forming units). Probiotics can range from 1 to 10 billion CFUs. Pick the ones that show benefits, but to keep in mind, more is not always better!
  • Look for a probiotic that DOES NOT REQUIRE REFRIGERATION—shelf-stable. 
  • Look for a brand with Clinically Studied Strains that have research to back it up
  • does not contain synthetic fillers or binders
  • Each substrain is listed and clinically studied

Are There Side Effects?

You might experience side effects like stomach upset or bloating. However, these side effects are usually mild and go away quickly. 

My Favorite Brand And Why?

Best Probiotic

Over the years, I’ve tried many different probiotics brands, from refrigeration only to shelf-stable, from capsule to powder to liquid to gummies. However, nothing has come close to the potency, strength, and effectiveness of my go-to Just Thrive Health Probiotics

I love this brand because they specialize in spore-based bacilli that guarantee the survivability of their probiotic strains through the stomach and upper digestive system!!!

These probiotic are tasteless, colorless and odorless. I can easily open and mixed it with my food or water. Because their strains are super resilient – you can even blend it in a smoothie, or bake them into your fav dessert without losing potency!

Just Thrive Probiotic provides not only digestive and immune support as a potent probiotic but also delivers powerful and necessary antioxidants to the GI tract.

Kids & Just Thrive

Kids can also take Just Thrive Probiotics because they are safe and highly effective for their little bodies. I open up the capsules and mix the contents with my little one’s food or water. My kids don’t even know it’s there since these strains are tasteless, colorless, and odorless!

They also ensure a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not satisfied, they can refund it. What’s better than that?

Want to give these probiotics a try? Click here and use this Special Promo Code just for my readers. Get a 15% discount on your total order by using my unique code below.

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Disclaimer: This post is NOT sponsored by any means! I love and only use these probiotics. However, if you use my promo code, I will get a small referral commission from Just Thrive at no extra cost to you.


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