The Top 6 Benefits of Collagen Supplements

Let’s talk about the benefits of collagen supplements. I genuinely think that you can elevate your health and beauty by adding collagen supplements into your routine. Glowing skin is an expression of health, and when you give your body the nutrients it needs to thrive, you can’t help but glow from the inside out.

This is a 2-Part Series. Check out Part 2, where I share how to pick the best collagen supplements!

What’s is Collagen ?

Collagen is an essential protein present throughout the body of both men and women. A massive quantity of collagen is present in skin, bones, hair, and nails. Its degeneration can cause wrinkles, crow’s feet, saggy skin, thinning hair, joint pain, brittle bones, and more health concerns.

Why We Need Collagen

As we age, our natural collagen production begins to decline. Collagen decreases around age 18 or so and continues to fall yearly. Think of collagen as the primary structural component of our cells and tissue holding our body together optimally. So, when that glue starts to fade during aging, our skin starts to lose its youthful plumpness, and our hair thins and loses its luster. Collagen supplements can hinder that degradation and restore the natural youth.

This article will discuss the Top 6 Benefits Collagen Supplements Offer.

Collagen Supplements

Top 6 Benefits of Collagen Supplements 

1. Rejuvenated skin 

Collagen is the secret ingredient behind every fresh-looking skin. Unfortunately, women often lose collagen levels more predominantly than men. That’s why men have fresher-looking skin than women at the same age. However, consuming collagen supplements can benefit women by increasing the amount of collagen in their bodies.

In a 2013 study, the results concluded that oral ingestion of collagen peptides could reduce eye wrinkling. Another study in 2014 proves that ingestion of collagen can reduce the signs of aging.

Check out my current collagen : Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Peptides

2. Hair and nails health

Collagen supplements increase hair-building protein in the body, which helps in optimal hair growth, strengthening, and thickening. In addition, as collagen is a natural antioxidant, it also assists in hair regrowth and repair.

Moreover, collagen supplements increase nail growth. Research says that oral collagen supplements can reduce nail surface roughness, ruggedness, brittleness, and peeling. 

3. Improve joint pains

Joint pain or stiff tendons arise with growing age due to collagen degeneration. This can lead to developing common degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis.

Therefore, adequate collagen intake helps strengthen your cartilage (a connective tissue that sticks your joints together). Research says that collagen supplementation has an optimal therapeutic role in increasing bone density preventing and treating osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

4. Better heart health

Collagen is also a part of your heart muscles and arteries. Hence, collagen supplements (protein) provide a healthy structure to your arteries resulting in better blood supply throughout the body.

5. Good protein source to build muscle mass

We all indulge in high protein intake when losing weight or building muscle mass. This is because protein does wonders for our health. Collagen supplementation is a great way to provide optimal protein to your muscles and muscle mass.

Randomized control trials concluded that collagen supplementation with a combination of resistance exercise improved body composition and muscle mass.

6. Improve bone health

Bones are composed of proteins (collagen) and minerals (calcium phosphate). The collagen gives the bones their structure and strength. During aging, collagen shortens, and as a result, bone mass decreases. This can lead to bone fractures, osteoporosis, and many other bone disorders. Collagen supplements may help increase bone density. 

Collagen Supplements

What to Look for in Collagen Supplements

There are many types of collagen, but here are the three most important ones for beauty and joint health:

  • Type I: the most common type, found in all connective tissue
  • Type ll: found in joints and cartilage
  • Type lll: found in our skin and blood vessels

Tip: Make sure to pick a collagen supplement that is hydrolyzed, meaning the collagen has been broken down to make it easier to absorb.

Check out Part 2 for more tips on how to pick the best collagen supplements!

My Top 3 Collagen Supplements

  • My Top Pick: I’m currently using Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Peptides which contain Collagen Types I, II, II, V & X. It has the best overall support for healthy skin, hair, and nails, plus gut and joint health. These come in capsules so it’s easy to take and no mess!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you if you purchase after clicking my link. I only share brands and products that I love and trust.


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