Oil Pulling – Benefits and How to Oil Pull for Beginners
Oil pulling is one of those super-hyped things you see all across social media. But, it’s been around since ancient times. Is it all hype? Read on for my thoughts on this ancient dental care technique and learn how to actually do it yourself.
What is Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic method of practicing good oral hygiene and detoxification. It is literally the act of swishing some oil in your mouth to extract harmful toxins and bacteria out of the teeth, gums, tongue, and throat. Simple enough right?
How to do Oil Pulling Correctly
1. Oil pull first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Take 1 tsp of oil in your mouth.
2. Next, start swishing the oil around. Do not gargle.
3. Swish it around for 20 minutes. Why 20 minutes? Well, according to Dr. Bruce Fife, author of Oil Pulling Therapy, it takes about 20 minutes for the oil to break through plaque, bacteria, and toxins but not enough time for the toxins to be reabsorbed back into your system.
4. Now, spit soluiotn into the trash. Do Not Swallow. The whole point is to remove the bacteria and toxins out and not to re-ingest it. Do not spit into the sink as it may clog the drain.
5. Finally, rinse your mouth with warm water and brush teeth as normal.
What Kind of Oil to Use
Oil pulling works best with high quality, raw (unpasteurized) coconut oil, sesame seed oil or red palm oil. I prefer the taste of coconut but others find this Bayan Botanicals Sesame Oil very pleasant and great for oil pulling ( see link below).
Try: Banyan Botanicals Sesame Seed Oil
Here’s My Fav: Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
Also a good one: Red Palm Oil
What Benefits to Expect
Many natural health practitioners believe that oil pulling benefits go beyond detoxifying the mouth and may include: a migraine and allergy relief, reducing sinus congestion, hangover cure and helping to support healthy kidney function. But, I personally can’t say that I’ve experienced any of these added benefits and scientific research is still lacking. However, I can tell you what I’ve experienced.
Some of the benefits I’ve noticed from oil pulling is that my teeth are noticeably whiter because the oil pulls stuck on surface stains.
My mouth also feels extremely moisturized. I suffer from dry mouth and oil pulling helps a lot! Furthermore, my mouth feels cleaner. Also, after oil pulling my gums feel like they got a little massage and my jaw feels less stiff.
Verdict— Should You Try Oil Pulling?
Is swishing oil in your mouth really worth it? Well, I say if you suffer from dry mouth, jaw stiffness, want whiter teeth and want to use natural oral care products then try it out. If you don’t take care of the harmful bacteria in your mouth these bugs can make their way into your bloodstream and truly wreak havoc. So, why not add something safe, organic and natural to your oral health routine?
Tip: If you don’t have 20 minutes to spare in the morning, try oil pulling while watching t.v. or reading a blog post…hint, hint.
RELATED: you may also like this post on natural skin-care using ingredients straight from my kitchen and the amazing beauty benefits of Epsom Salt.
Do you think the Ayurveda practice of oil pulling sounds crazy? Have you tried it?
Disclaimer: Post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own. I only share products that I use and brands that I know and trust.