6 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism And Burn Fat!

Who else is feeling a little sluggish with the change of seasons?  While I do believe we should be at our healthy weight year round, there’s something extra special about kicking your Summer Body Goals into high gear as the warmer months approach.  In my opinion, the safest and easiest way to get your body into tip-top-shape year round is by finding easy ways to boost your metabolism on the daily.

Wondering how to do that? Check out my tips on ways to boost your metabolism effortlessly!

photo credit: @dirtylemon

Boost Your Metabolism With These 6 Easy Steps!

Tip 1: Don’t Diet

If you want to burn fat, don’t diet. Yes, you read that correctly. The number one tip I can give my clients to help them improve their fat-burning metabolism is to stop dieting.  Instead, eat small meals more frequently and choose wisely.

Eat more nutrition-dense food — to crowd out the empty calories and keep you full all day.  When you deprive yourself of nutrient-dense foods, you’re not only more susceptible to binge when you see chocolate chip cookies, but you’re actually slowing down your metabolism and stopping fat loss. Basically, your body thinks it is starving and holds onto that adipose fat for dear life.

Tip 2: Fight Fat with Fiber

Fiber can help speed your metabolism up by as much as 30 percent.  Studies found that those who eat the most fiber gain the least weight over time.  Heck yes!!!

According to the DRA, 25 g a day is a good amount to aim for if you are a woman and 38 grams per day if you are a man.

The easiest way to get more fiber? Sneak it in. Sprinkle chia seeds and ground flaxseeds on your food. Munch on celery, carrots, raspberries and keep up that avocado toast habit! You can also add fiber powder to your smoothies, coffee or even water.

Try:  PGX is my favorite fiber supplement that I use every day and it is amazing.

Tip 3:  Eat More Protein to Boost Your Metabolism

Eat more protein from all of the food groups (not just dairy or beef) but also beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. You need protein because it basically plays a role in every critical function of your body. So make sure you eat plenty of protein-rich foods daily.  How much protein per day?  Well, this depends largely on your sex, age, health, lifestyle, fitness goals and more!

But for reference, the RDA guideline set by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends 0.8g of protein per kg of your body weight. This is just a general requirement. Most people need more, especially vegetarians and vegans.

For example, a 130lb woman would need: 130lbs / 2.2 (conversion from lbs. to kg) = 59kg. 59kg x 0.8g protein = 47g of protein per day.

Try: Add my favorite Protein Powder to your smoothies, make low carb protein pancakes and these amazing apple pie energy bites!

Tip 4:  Get up, Stand up

This is such an easy way to boost your metabolism! It does not involve hours on a treadmill or killing yourself at Cross Fit. No offense Cross Fit!!!

But, studies have found that inactivity (4 hours or more) causes a near shutdown in an enzyme that controls fat and cholesterol metabolism.  How many of us have sedentary jobs where we sit most of the time?

Hello, most of the U.S population!! So, put a timer on and step away from your desk every hour. Stand up as often as possible or better yet get yourself a standing desk! My husband has an electric standing desk and its so freaking cool! Gone are the days of the old-school, unhealthy desk.

I sneak into his office and use it as well.  This will help keep your fat burning enzymes active instead of putting them to sleep.

Tip 5:  Drink Cold Water to Boost Your Metabolism

Drink water, water, water! Water is your best friend.  Especially if it’s an ice cold one.  One German study found that “drinking 6 cups of cold water a day (that’s 48 ounces) can raise resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily—enough to shed 5 pounds in a year”.

Since the water is cold, your body works harder to heat it to body temperature which means you burn calories, hydrated yourself and look amazing.

Tip 6. Go to Bed Earlier

You’ve probably heard this a million times but your body needs at least 7-8 hours of good quality sleep to repair your muscles, organs and to regenerate your cells.  When you sleep less, your stress hormones are up, your defenses are down and you are more likely to crave a carb-loaded breakfast, with simple sugars to temporarily boost your energy.  Remember that carbs act as a fast energy source for our body.

What are your favorite ways to boost your metabolism?  Have you tried any of the above tips? Comment below!!

Related: If you liked this post, you will also like my 4 Reasons this is the Best Sugar Substitute post and 7 tips for a healthy digestive system.

Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own. I only link to brands and products that I personally love and use.  


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  1. What will be the impact of different ages on this boosted metabolism? Or it will be approximately same for people with all ages.

    I am currently in my 30s and I wonder, if that will be like a mantra for my health.