4 Life Changing Things I Learned From Tony Robbin’s Unleash The Power Within Seminar
A month ago, I went to Tony Robbin’s Unleash The Power Within seminar in LA. If you have no clue who Tony is, check out I Am Not Your Guru on Netflix.
Unleash The Power Within, is 50 hours of intense transformational work broken down into a four-day event. It sells out concert halls and convention centers. At UPW LA, there were close to 15,000 people from all over the world.
What to Expect at Unleash The Power Within
When you come to UPW, wear athleisure clothing, dress in lots of layers and bring your coat. This is a thing. You will freeze, the room is intentionally icy cold. Also, stock up on healthy snacks because you are going to be there for a while! Like after midnite most nights!!!
There are no scheduled breaks or lunchtime just step out when you need to. Each day’s lecture can go
Oh, and we also walked on fire that first night. Yes, fire!!! Like burning hot coals with our bare feet. No biggie, right! #FIREWALKER
But walking on fire was honestly the easy part of the work that I accomplished at UPW.

The UPW Process
During UPW, Tony Robbins and his team go at all costs to break you out of your comfort zone so that you can overcome any fears holding you back from unlocking and unleashing the powerful forces inside of you.
That means when you walk into a Tony Robbins seminar, expect to dance your ass off in a club-like atmosphere with concert speakers, laser lights, and a DJ the entire duration of the four days.
At Unleash The Power Within, you will scream “YES” a million times. Expect to high-f
At UPW LA, we shock the building down. In short, I still replay my video clips when I need a reminder and want to snap into Peak State.
Is it comfortable? Ummm… does it
However, after forty years and interactions with over 50 million people, there is a method to Tony’s madness. Everything asked of you is done deliberately, and strategically to shake you up and disrupt all of the limiting behaviors and negative patterns that are…holding…you…back.
All you have to do is trust the process, show up and play full out!
So what kept us going for 12 + hour days?
Pure…freakin…energy. We played full out, and in return, our body and mind were high off of energy.
The energy that flowed out of 15,000 people could light up an entire city.
It was electrifying.
Why I Went to Unleash The Power Within
Right now, I’m in the season of my life where I am a mommy to two young children ages 3 and 1+ years old. My hands are full, to say the least. I am busy and juggling a lot. I am focused on my family. And most of all, I feel normal and happy. But, at times I also feel kind of stuck. Ever had that feeling? Can you relate?
My husband is the one who gifted me the ticket to UPW, and he held down the house while I went to work on myself. But, I questioned if I really had “stuff” to work on?
I honestly thought I’d come back home without a significant breakthrough after spending all that money and being away from my family. I was completely wrong.
Here are 4 life lessons that I learned from attending Unleash the Power Within.
1. How to Create Lasting Change
The most important thing when setting a goal is finding a way to make it last or else why bother, right. But how many times do we set new goals for ourselves only to ditch them a few weeks later?
Learning how to create lasting change was a fundamental lesson for me. I can see now how dropping the ball on my goals teaches my subconscious mind that it’s okay to break my goals and it trains my physiology to expect that as the norm from me.
I learned that when you make half-assed goals, no matter how good your intentions are, the mind will always find a way to justify talking yourself out of it.
How about you? Do your goals actually have a fair shot or have you trained yourself to find ways to back out?
Don’t Negotiate With Your Mind
When you negotiate with your mind, you fail. Instead, we must make deliberate, explicit, and well-planned goals. Similarly, we must use strong, powerful, affirmative words when describing our goals. But most importantly, we must start on the goal right away.
To create lasting change, we’ve got to take consistent, sustainable ACTION!!! Momentum is critical!!!

2. How to Achieve Peak State
What physical state have I conditioned myself to be in most of the time? I learned that our physical state dictates how we feel. You are your rituals.
It was shocking to realize that for most of last year I had been living in a foggy, low-energy physical state. I had chalked it up to being a mommy to two children under age 2 ( My eldest just turned 3 in Feb 2019 ).
At Unleash The Power Within, I finally got the concept that I control my physical state. The proof? I had an abundance of energy at the seminar on very little sleep and very little food. Each morning I woke up refreshed, with gratitude and joyfulness.
When I came back home from the seminar, I incorporated Tony’s priming technics and changed my entire morning routine. I can’t tell you what a difference it has made to my whole day.
What Energy State Are You In?
So, now it is your turn. Are you in a peak, high-energy state most of the time or in a low, stagnate, energy state most of the time?
Let’s think of what happens after an amazing workout. Your endorphins are popping, your heart is pumped, you have an adrenal kick, and you feel terrific. This is called Peak State.
The cool thing is that we can all train ourselves to snap into peak state whenever we want just like Tony Robbins does. He has bad days as we all do. But, Tony Robbins does not negotiate with his brain.
We can allow the outside world and even our own mind to zap the energy right out of us, or we can control our state. We can light ourselves up.
Tony Robbins has conditioned his body and mind through his morning primping routine, ice plunges, Cryotherapy, and more to snap into peak state at a snap of a finger. That is why he can talk to 15,000 people for 12+ hours without a break or losing his energy.
Similarly, we can train our mind and body to go from tired to sharp and energized with the snap of a finger.
Peak State In 3 Steps
- The quickest way to change your state and elevate your “mood,” is to alter your physiology radically. So, if you are slouching or sitting, stand up tall and strong. If you are frowning, smile.
- Take 10 deep breathes. Get your blood flowing, jump up and down, pump yourself up! Feel your energy rising.
- Develop a signature move to trigger you to snap into
peak state. Make your move! Dance, Shake that ASS ( more on this below).
Tony says that focus equals feeling. Focusing on feeling tired, drowsy, pissed off, sad, depressed? Your body will follow the lead. But change your state and concentrate on feeling sharp, powerful, joyful, and energized and your body will follow the lead. Motion creates emotion.
Check out the priming meditation Tony Robbins does every morning to snap into Peak State.
MY TAKEAWAY: I want to live in an Energy Rich State as my default.
3. Shake That Ass
This one comes from Joseph McClendon III, a doctor of neuropsychology and beloved guest speaker at many of Tony Robbin’s live events. Shake that Ass is just a fun way to snap yourself back into
Neuropsychology has found that the quickest way to change your state to something more joyful or energetic, is to move your body.
Joseph called this
4. Are You Just Good or Outstanding?
Tony flat out told us that it’s no longer enough to be just good these days. Good in today’s standards produces poor results. We must be outstanding.
And it was eye-opening to see just how much I’m operating off of just “good enough.” But I learned that good is just mediocre.
I no longer want to be good. No more being a good person, a good spouse, a good daughter, a good sister, a good friend, and most importantly a good parent and mom. I want to be better than good. I want to be great.
Unfortunately, performance is so watered down now that “great” just leads to “good” results. So we have to be better than great. Let’s be outstanding. Outstanding is recognized.

Should You Go To UPW?
I could go on and on because there were actionable life lessons everywhere at UPW. I have a folder full of notes, but it would be impossible for me to share every concept or strategy I’ve learned at Unleash the Power Within.
But, I hope I did Tony Robbin’s and UPW justice by giving you a glimpse of some of the major takeaways that had the most significant impact on me, my life, and my future from Unleash the Power Within. UPW was one of the most profound learning experiences that I have ever had.
Considering going to Tony Robbin’s, Unleash The Power Within Seminar? Don’t think, just go. Because, if you are not growing, you are dying!!!
Life Will Never Be The Same Again after Unleash the Power Within. To learn more please check out Tony’s website for free resources and info.
Related: Nutrition Chat with Makeup Guru Lilit Caradanian
Have you been to Unleash The Power Within before or any other Tony Robbin’s Events? What was your